Sunday, October 4, 2009

Character, good character, is a must if a person expects to have wealth. To continue to make great sums of income and have people continue to work with them. Many were taught from childhood that to have great sums of money was a sure sign of poor character but that is exactly wrong, an outright lie; people that are poor can and many times have less character and integrity than those who are wealthy. Wealthy is also a state of mind because if we allow ourselves to continue thinking wealth breeds poor character we will cause ourselves to remain penniless in order to keep our "good character".  We have been taught that it is harder for a person who is wealthy to remain honest and “clean” than for the wealthy and we have believed it. It is as though our belief about character predetermines our prejudice about success and wealth, putting us into a mode of self preservation that forces us to fail in regards to wealth and income or anything which would bring them into our lives.
This opens the door for investigation into other realms of our lives. Since this is true about wealth and financial or business success would it not also apply to all of the other realms of our lives, love, happiness, interpersonal relationships, marriage. When we look at life we see that this conditioning which brings us down is not a part of birth for until we are taught that we must fail we do not believe that we can fail. Oddly enough the only part of life that it can not control after we allow it to fill our minds and lives is death. We all come into this world with the same understandings and the same results apply to all of us when we leave from this world. Thus is it not our responsibility and goal to leave behind that which will be a legacy of character and integrity, which, will also be one of wealth and success and helping others do the same.

Along with this lesson is the real danger in that the person who seeks wealth and success without building the right character and mental attitudes. They will drag down those who are not fully cured of this stinking thinking, dragging them into the pit of failure. They will always see themselves as right and positive while everyone and everything in the world is against them, thus their failure is always someone else’s fault. They will not stay in one place or way of life long enough to bring about any lasting success or wealth. They will almost always grab at the soonest “tool” or “system” that comes along and when another comes along will throw the first one away for the newest and most advanced one. They will then brag about how great the new one is and how bad the old one was until another comes along. This mindset too is also brought on by what I am going to name as a “preconceived forced failure” because it is the result of many years of negativity about success and all that which follows. This “training” for failure has been mentored into us and the only way to replace it is to have it mentored out by mentoring in the proper training for success. For without a replacement to fill the void our minds will revert back to what it “believes” to be true. As it is almost a curse to become part of a business that they see they could possibly succeed in.

One “istic” of that characteristics which is necessary for a person to truly be successfully is that they truly care about the people with which they have dealings with. They not only will be honest in their dealings with them but they will also care about those things that are important to them, such as their family, heritage, standing in life, political views, religious views, and so forth. They will be able to have quality conversation with that person uplifting them as a person and adding value to their life above that which they have bargained for. Furthermore, if a person truly has this “istic” of success they will be able to build their business in any location during any “current economic status”. It would be true to say that this person truly has their finger on the pulse of the people or their ear to the ground listening to what they are hearing. For this truly expresses the truth that it is not location or time in history which determines success as much as character. This kind of character is not haughty or proud but meek and compassionately personal. It does not look down at people in whom they have relationships or experiences. Rather a person of this “istic” holds everyone up to the value they should have, instead of the value that person believes to be due him or her. Another great speaker said that the craftsman (laborer) is deserving of compensation (respect) having been a craftsperson himself He recognized each and every person to have value.

The growth of these characteristics is not one of location, but what one sees in themselves and their life. Where they are and where do we want to go? If one sees themselves as not going anywhere and where they are as bad then they will get there and stay there. It is not until the attitudes and “istics” which have gotten that person where they are replaced by those of where they want to be that they will ever successfully make the journeys of life no matter what they are. It is only when that person takes this forward action that they will ever improve their status in life. Even as in traveling from one city to another by automobile will a person get there if they have a “visual” of the trip and destination. With that “vision” they must follow with the steps which will lead to the change desired, but they now have a “map” to direct their path. That person, which would wish to succeed, would recognize and have respect for the persons who had traveled this path before them. And thus allows them to travel it with more ease because of their struggles and would realize that many of those who went before them may not have received their deserved recognition. Success is not something that we do at the end of the journey or a place we get to. It is something that must be implanted and acted upon at the beginning or else it will never grow into the success that one is looking for.

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