Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fear -- Your Arch-Enemy or Ally

In his "Master Keys" Haanel wrote:
"but the one arch-enemy of the Solar Plexus which must be absolutely destroyed before there is any possibility of letting any light shine is fear. This enemy must be completely destroyed; he must be eliminated; he must be expelled forever; he is the cloud which hides the sun; which causes a perpetual gloom."
Fear will stop you or anyone DEAD in your tracks.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Could it Be?

I must ask a seriously pointed question. Could it be? Everyone knows, the norm: "Let it be." To grow personally or financially we must become more, change what has been the norm, and allow ourselves to consider things that "stretch the mind. Even in attempting to disprove what I am about to ask you will stretch your mind. Maybe, just maybe in stretching your mind you too might be able to grow....

Monday, August 23, 2010

MLM Success Lessons -Helping you Succeed -- Spillover: Magic or Monster

 For years I believed this was truly the magic I needed to be successful in Network Marketing.  I did not join up with companies unless they had a compensation plan and operating system that appeared to have spillover built in, but I have learned and come to understand more as a result.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Living outside the Rat Race.

Today I filmed a video about life in general, how people follow jobs to the same task day after day, week after week,  our weekends never really change, our paths become worn into us so much that we do not even see the road signs along the way.  People can and do jump from the rat race to a lifestyle that they can enjoy and live under their own terms.  Three things are an absolute necessity.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Listen UP! Skill That will Bring MLM Success or Total Failure

It is known that skills can make or break you in Network Marketing. The list of skills is large and as we get better at one skill we realize how little we knew about that skill. Also it is very important that we understand the skills are interlaced with one another.

Talking with people means improving listening skills first. Seriously consider this question. “When was the last time you actually listened to someone?” I don't mean spoke to them while at the dinner table, during the commercial on Television, while at the computer or playing a game, much less driving an automobile. Don't be so hard on yourself when you realize that you haven't listened so anyone in a long time.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Skills get the job done

One of my favorite shows of all times is M*A*S*H*. It is a comedy that poked fun at war. The show lasted longer than the Korean conflict which it was supposedly about. On more than one occasion those whacky Doctors would dress up. Hawkey would become Groucho Marx. Everybody wants to know that the doctor which is to do their surgery has training and skills before he presents himself with a scalpel over them. Most people would not go looking for a doctor that was a comedian or plumber yesterday and decided to be a doctor last night. Everyone knows

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Character, good character, is a must if a person expects to have wealth. To continue to make great sums of income and have people continue to work with them. Many were taught from childhood that to have great sums of money was a sure sign of poor character but that is exactly wrong, an outright lie; people that are poor can and many times have less character and integrity than those who are wealthy. Wealthy is also a state of mind because if we allow ourselves to continue thinking wealth breeds poor character we will cause ourselves to remain penniless in order to keep our "good character".  We have been taught that it is harder for a person who is wealthy to remain honest and “clean” than for the wealthy and we have believed it. It is as though our belief about character predetermines our prejudice about success and wealth, putting us into a mode of self preservation that forces us to fail in regards to wealth and income or anything which would bring them into our lives.