Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fear -- Your Arch-Enemy or Ally

In his "Master Keys" Haanel wrote:
"but the one arch-enemy of the Solar Plexus which must be absolutely destroyed before there is any possibility of letting any light shine is fear. This enemy must be completely destroyed; he must be eliminated; he must be expelled forever; he is the cloud which hides the sun; which causes a perpetual gloom."
Fear will stop you or anyone DEAD in your tracks.
  This is a primary reason most people will revert to what my mentor Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter calls "Firehosing" where people just blast you with their opportunity.  A technique without much success or retention.  Where no relationship has been built no stickiness with members.  It is also a method which allows our fear of building relationships, talking to people and exposing them self to others to remain tucked behind 'private' gates.  While hiding these fears are growing stronger and stronger and when the technique doesn't work it gives the disgruntled member a scape goat both in those who did not stay, those who did not join and the system or company was not right.

The only way to rise above and annihilate fear is to face it.  But the only ally we have in facing current fears is our victories over old fears which are now just ghost of monsters.  More about using fear to overcome fear at .

The paradox of fear is while it must be utterly destroyed it also helps us to know when we are growing and yet not facing or overcoming fears keeps us from growing.  Only when you step out of your "comfort zone" do you grow.  The old adage is true, 'For your business to grow you must grow.'  So you will only grow your business when you face the uncomfortable zone and proceed anyway.  What ever you find to be a challenge, DO IT!  With enough doing it this activity will not be uncomfortable in the future and your business will proceed faster forward.

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