Saturday, April 10, 2010

Listen UP! Skill That will Bring MLM Success or Total Failure

It is known that skills can make or break you in Network Marketing. The list of skills is large and as we get better at one skill we realize how little we knew about that skill. Also it is very important that we understand the skills are interlaced with one another.

Talking with people means improving listening skills first. Seriously consider this question. “When was the last time you actually listened to someone?” I don't mean spoke to them while at the dinner table, during the commercial on Television, while at the computer or playing a game, much less driving an automobile. Don't be so hard on yourself when you realize that you haven't listened so anyone in a long time.
Most people will have to admit that they have not listened to anyone for a very long time. People get accustomed to thinking they are listening and yet we never stop what we are doing when someone speaks to us. This is a skill that we need to re-cultivate in our lives.

I recall one of my Professors telling us about his doctoral dissertation. It was based on communication skills. His thesis was that communication is flawed to the point that it is amazing that we ever get anything accomplished. He would tell his students something like this.

I believe I know what I want to say but am not sure of myself. When I look for words they come close but do not convey my total idea, but I will use them anyway, but because they did not do justice to what I wanted to say I added and took away words and used body gestures to make it clearer, but there are no definitions for gestures. Oh, by the way while you were listening to me there was music playing in the background of your mind, people next to you were reading something you wanted to know about, a child cried somewhere, or a car went by on the highway so you did not hear every word I said or the way I said it much less see the gestures I was making. However, you did not interpret the words the way I did so the idea you got from the words you heard was not the idea I had given them and you missed the important words in the conversation so how on earth do you have any earthly idea what I was saying much less what I meant?

Unless you know what someone is saying and means by what they are saying how can you expect to relate to them. Network Marketing is in fact a relationship industry and business. If you do not relate with people then you will never make connection with them. Without connection you can not expect to sponsor them, train them, or see them succeed. It truly is about people succeeding, not just because we can't succeed until they do but because it is the right thing to do.

As one of the more famous American Presidents said in his inaugural speech,”Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Put another way that same professor mentioned above always told us, “People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Today we have an example of what happens when people ride the shoulders of other people to gain power and fortune. When we put forth the effort to help others in a constructive relationship we all grow. This is what makes network marketing so powerful. It is also the most misunderstood element of Network marketing.  Until you get listening skills down right you can't expect to get communication skills right either.

David and Kathy Griffin
479) 966-9879
david.l.griffin --skype


bobandannabassett said...

Hey David,

Maybe that's why God gave us two ears and one mouth.

In Network Marketing, when we truly listen and then give people what they want, magic happens. That's when you will build solid relationships and that's what it's all about.

Thank you for your words of wisdom!!

Bob and Anna Bassett

Cathy Ulrich said...

I'd like to hear more on this topic. Listening is a skill that will make us or break us in life, let alone marketing. You are great at word pictures David. Use your gifts and people will listen to you, and you will teach them how to listen as you identify w/ them. There are so many ways to listen. It's a lost art.