Friday, August 20, 2010

Living outside the Rat Race.

Today I filmed a video about life in general, how people follow jobs to the same task day after day, week after week,  our weekends never really change, our paths become worn into us so much that we do not even see the road signs along the way.  People can and do jump from the rat race to a lifestyle that they can enjoy and live under their own terms.  Three things are an absolute necessity.

Here is the video if You haven't watched it, then we will look at the three necessities for leaving the "Rat Race".

First we must have a dream!  A Dream that is bigger than we are.  It is truly about being more than we are.  We are not intended to stop dreaming.  It is written, "Where there is no vision the people will perish."  It is not a matter of might or could, but an absolute fact to happen.  Only with Dreams and Vision will people continue to grow.  My Grandfather (having lived through the depression) and Father would say that a man is never truly poor unless he has lost his dream.  Viktor E. Frankl Author of "Man's Search for Meaning" came to the understanding that Man can survive almost anything if he knows who he is and where he is going.  During his stay at Auschwitz, a German prison and death camp of World War II, came to the understand that "man does have a choice of action....Man can preserve a vestige of spiritual freedom, of independence of mind even in such terible conditions of psychic and physical stress.  For life to be real and not just an existence humans must have dreams and vision of where they are going.

Secondly,  Belief!! I am not referring to the religious practice, however, religious beliefs are a great help.  Belief is as I speak of is an understand that one deserves what they dream of and have visions about.  It is more than a surface concept of belief, but, more like a belief which does not question whether or not something will come to past but rather sees it as having already come about.  This is an ability to see ourselves and life as though the events and results of our vision and dream have already happened.  Simply, it is like when we chose to sit down at the dinning table.  We pull a chair out and do not analyze whether or not it will hold us up,  We know it enough to act on it without thought or examination.  Oddly enough we "know" whither or not the chair will help us on our desire to sit at the table or not instinctively.  Belief is that ability to see something as happened but at the same time see those things which take us away from our dreams and vision.  This Dream must be of the strength that no matter what

Third, We must have the first two in a strength that we not only will accept the need for change in our lives but it will happen effortlessly, almost such that we do not even notice it.  It will be as though we have a power to cause things to happen without "working at them" .  One of those things which will happen is that we will be willing to accept and seek the training in the skills necessary for these dreams to come about and our belief will not only strengthen but also become automatic.  It is as Napoleon Hill says in "Think and Grow Rich" we will find, accept, and do all this and it will become enjoyable.

This is not to say there will not be obstacles but that we will see them for what they truly are.  Opportunities to develop new skills, strengths, character, and become better leaders.  Yes, there will be things that may make us want to stay in the easy pasture with someone else feeding us and protecting us.  As Jerry 'DiRino' Clark's "Murphy Committee" makes so clear it is these events that give us the ability, strength, and protective ability to enjoy the end result.

I would love to discuss this more with you so:.  E-mail me at, skype me at david.l.griffin, call me at 479.966.9879 and suscribe to this blog and my YouTube that you will be informed of new trainings and opportunities. And I have a free e-book for you just for reading this blog at the website:

David L. Griffin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the way you put it great job.