Monday, August 23, 2010

MLM Success Lessons -Helping you Succeed -- Spillover: Magic or Monster

 For years I believed this was truly the magic I needed to be successful in Network Marketing.  I did not join up with companies unless they had a compensation plan and operating system that appeared to have spillover built in, but I have learned and come to understand more as a result.

It was only after much critical thinking and self trepidation that I came to the understandings I shared with you.

Jim Rohm said, “Don't ask for things to be easier, ask to be more skilled.”  So when we promise spillover are we asking “quitters” to be our partners?

When a company has a compensation which says you get paid when you match your organization and volume in one organization to another based on a preset level you got paid on the lesser amount.  This is a mathematical necessity to allow the company to stay in business.

The real danger is suddenly your organization can be gone along with your paycheck, dreams, and you are left holding the results with the people you have promised and built based on these others asking, “what happened” and saying, “I am going to follow the leader who just left.”  This is especially the case when that leader who has sponsored the conference calls, done 3-way calls, and “provided spillover” thus building some what of a relationship and now offers them the next 'better' deal.

There are companies which have good ways of allowing people to be placed in depth which help the person they are placed under and also the new enrollee. This will require them to work together building the relationship which is vital to their business. It also builds leaders within the organization, leaders which support and appreciate you as their leader.

Subscribe and come back often to see some of the ways we can recognize these issues before they effect your business. Much of the time we can recognize certain issues if we know how and where to look in the Policies and Procedures. For help contact me at

David L. Griffin
David.L.Griffin -- skype
(479) 966-9879 -- Phone


Kathy Burleigh-Moffatt said...

You really nailed it this time, David. It's truly sad how many of us have fallen for the "spillover myth" at one time or another.

We all need to strive toward becoming Critical Thinkers like you and Dumped on Joe.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.


Ellen said...

Excellent Post and Video David. I found it very informative and fascinating. Great Job!

Unknown said...

Hi David,

Very informative blog concerning spillover regarding companies. You pointed out some very well indeptj points concerning the use of it in companies and how it reflects on downlines.

Thanks for sharing with all of us.

Susie Moore
skype smsforce

Bruce Carter said...

great entry and lot of good information. Well written post and great insight.

Rusty McMillen ~ LA2THTP said...

Great video David, glad to see you in Family Networker...Rusty

Jon said...


I like your blog and great post!!

Skype: soonerdad3

Carol Walczak said...

Nice blog David, and the videos are good, loved the Rat Race video it made me laugh.

Carol McCrow said...

Very interesting points concerning MLM David. I am anxious to read more of what you have to share as I have recently become involved in one myself. Look forward to your next posting. Take care

Unknown said...

Great David - your video was awesome and I totally agree - your downline needs to be taught and trained properly so they can teach and train their downline - you CANNOT just bring people in and forget about them - thanks for sharing.

Skype: nancyradlinger

Jay Daniels said...

Great post. I was one who fell for the spillover years ago. I made a relationship with my sponsor, but that was it. I never made anymore, so of course I left that company.
I understand more now thanks to people like you.